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Gene Expression Literature Summary
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39 matching records from 39 references.

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Tbx1  T-box 1   (Synonyms: nmf219)
Results  Reference
1J:163487 Aggarwal VS, Carpenter C, Freyer L, Liao J, Petti M, Morrow BE, Mesodermal Tbx1 is required for patterning the proximal mandible in mice. Dev Biol. 2010 Aug 15;344(2):669-81
1J:114854 Aggarwal VS, Liao J, Bondarev A, Schimmang T, Lewandoski M, Locker J, Shanske A, Campione M, Morrow BE, Dissection of Tbx1 and Fgf interactions in mouse models of 22q11DS suggests functional redundancy. Hum Mol Genet. 2006 Nov 1;15(21):3219-28
1J:105980 Arnold JS, Werling U, Braunstein EM, Liao J, Nowotschin S, Edelmann W, Hebert JM, Morrow BE, Inactivation of Tbx1 in the pharyngeal endoderm results in 22q11DS malformations. Development. 2006 Mar;133(5):977-87
1*J:34541 Chapman DL, Garvey N, Hancock S, Alexiou M, Agulnik SI, Gibson-Brown JJ, Cebra-Thomas J, Bollag RJ, Silver LM, Papaioannou VE, Expression of the T-box family genes, Tbx1-Tbx5, during early mouse development. Dev Dyn. 1996 Aug;206(4):379-90
1*J:216507 Chervenak AP, Bank LM, Thomsen N, Glanville-Jones HC, Jonathan S, Millen KJ, Arkell RM, Barald KF, The role of Zic genes in inner ear development in the mouse: Exploring mutant mouse phenotypes. Dev Dyn. 2014 Nov;243(11):1487-98
1J:342149 Edwards W, Bussey OK, Conlon FL, The Tbx20-TLE interaction is essential for the maintenance of the second heart field. Development. 2023 Nov 1;150(21):dev201677
1*J:229008 Escot S, Blavet C, Faure E, Zaffran S, Duband JL, Fournier-Thibault C, Disruption of CXCR4 signaling in pharyngeal neural crest cells causes DiGeorge syndrome-like malformations. Development. 2016 Feb 15;143(4):582-8
1*J:70279 Garg V, Yamagishi C, Hu T, Kathiriya IS, Yamagishi H, Srivastava D, Tbx1, a DiGeorge syndrome candidate gene, is regulated by sonic hedgehog during pharyngeal arch development. Dev Biol. 2001 Jul 1;235(1):62-73
1J:337033 Greulich F, Rudat C, Farin HF, Christoffels VM, Kispert A, Lack of Genetic Interaction between Tbx18 and Tbx2/Tbx20 in Mouse Epicardial Development. PLoS One. 2016;11(6):e0156787
1*J:139636 Grifone R, Jarry T, Dandonneau M, Grenier J, Duprez D, Kelly RG, Properties of branchiomeric and somite-derived muscle development in Tbx1 mutant embryos. Dev Dyn. 2008 Sep 24;237(10):3071-3078
1J:191738 Harel I, Maezawa Y, Avraham R, Rinon A, Ma HY, Cross JW, Leviatan N, Hegesh J, Roy A, Jacob-Hirsch J, Rechavi G, Carvajal J, Tole S, Kioussi C, Quaggin S, Tzahor E, Pharyngeal mesoderm regulatory network controls cardiac and head muscle morphogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Nov 13;109(46):18839-44
1J:279006 Hasten E, Morrow BE, Tbx1 and Foxi3 genetically interact in the pharyngeal pouch endoderm in a mouse model for 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. PLoS Genet. 2019 Aug;15(8):e1008301
1J:93588 Hu T, Yamagishi H, Maeda J, McAnally J, Yamagishi C, Srivastava D, Tbx1 regulates fibroblast growth factors in the anterior heart field through a reinforcing autoregulatory loop involving forkhead transcription factors. Development. 2004 Nov;131(21):5491-502
1J:305429 Kaiser M, Wojahn I, Rudat C, Ludtke TH, Christoffels VM, Moon A, Kispert A, Trowe MO, Regulation of otocyst patterning by Tbx2 and Tbx3 is required for inner ear morphogenesis in the mouse. Development. 2021 Apr 15;148(8):dev195651
1*J:94411 Kelly RG, Jerome-Majewska LA, Papaioannou VE, The del22q11.2 candidate gene Tbx1 regulates branchiomeric myogenesis. Hum Mol Genet. 2004 Nov 15;13(22):2829-40
1J:213620 Kong P, Racedo SE, Macchiarulo S, Hu Z, Carpenter C, Guo T, Wang T, Zheng D, Morrow BE, Tbx1 is required autonomously for cell survival and fate in the pharyngeal core mesoderm to form the muscles of mastication. Hum Mol Genet. 2014 Aug 15;23(16):4215-31
1J:67796 Merscher S, Funke B, Epstein JA, Heyer J, Puech A, Lu MM, Xavier RJ, Demay MB, Russell RG, Factor S, Tokooya K, Jore BS, Lopez M, Pandita RK, Lia M, Carrion D, Xu H, Schorle H, Kobler JB, Scambler P, Wynshaw-Boris A, Skoultchi AI, Morrow BE, KucherlapatiR, TBX1 is responsible for cardiovascular defects in velo-cardio-facial/DiGeorge syndrome. Cell. 2001 Feb 23;104(4):619-29
1J:181153 Mesbah K, Rana MS, Francou A, van Duijvenboden K, Papaioannou VE, Moorman AF, Kelly RG, Christoffels VM, Identification of a Tbx1/Tbx2/Tbx3 genetic pathway governing pharyngeal and arterial pole morphogenesis. Hum Mol Genet. 2012 Mar 15;21(6):1217-29
1*J:96463 Moraes F, Novoa A, Jerome-Majewska LA, Papaioannou VE, Mallo M, Tbx1 is required for proper neural crest migration and to stabilize spatial patterns during middle and inner ear development. Mech Dev. 2005 Feb;122(2):199-212
1J:315702 Nomaru H, Liu Y, De Bono C, Righelli D, Cirino A, Wang W, Song H, Racedo SE, Dantas AG, Zhang L, Cai CL, Angelini C, Christiaen L, Kelly RG, Baldini A, Zheng D, Morrow BE, Single cell multi-omic analysis identifies a Tbx1-dependent multilineage primed population in murine cardiopharyngeal mesoderm. Nat Commun. 2021 Nov 17;12(1):6645
1J:107397 Nowotschin S, Liao J, Gage PJ, Epstein JA, Campione M, Morrow BE, Tbx1 affects asymmetric cardiac morphogenesis by regulating Pitx2 in the secondary heart field. Development. 2006 Apr;133(8):1565-73
1J:212881 Papangeli I, Scambler PJ, Tbx1 genetically interacts with the transforming growth factor-beta/bone morphogenetic protein inhibitor Smad7 during great vessel remodeling. Circ Res. 2013 Jan 4;112(1):90-102
1J:284143 Phillips HM, Stothard CA, Shaikh Qureshi WM, Kousa AI, Briones-Leon JA, Khasawneh RR, O'Loughlin C, Sanders R, Mazzotta S, Dodds R, Seidel K, Bates T, Nakatomi M, Cockell SJ, Schneider JE, Mohun TJ, Maehr R, Kist R, Peters H, Bamforth SD, Pax9 is required for cardiovascular development and interacts with Tbx1 in the pharyngeal endoderm to control 4th pharyngeal arch artery morphogenesis. Development. 2019 Sep 23;146(18):dev177618
1J:242314 Racedo SE, Hasten E, Lin M, Devakanmalai GS, Guo T, Ozbudak EM, Cai CL, Zheng D, Morrow BE, Reduced dosage of beta-catenin provides significant rescue of cardiac outflow tract anomalies in a Tbx1 conditional null mouse model of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. PLoS Genet. 2017 Mar;13(3):e1006687
1J:313346 Rankin SA, Steimle JD, Yang XH, Rydeen AB, Agarwal K, Chaturvedi P, Ikegami K, Herriges MJ, Moskowitz IP, Zorn AM, Tbx5 drives Aldh1a2 expression to regulate a RA-Hedgehog-Wnt gene regulatory network coordinating cardiopulmonary development. Elife. 2021 Oct 13;10:e69288
1J:79100 Riccomagno MM, Martinu L, Mulheisen M, Wu DK, Epstein DJ, Specification of the mammalian cochlea is dependent on Sonic hedgehog. Genes Dev. 2002 Sep 15;16(18):2365-78
1J:124278 Rinon A, Lazar S, Marshall H, Buchmann-Moller S, Neufeld A, Elhanany-Tamir H, Taketo MM, Sommer L, Krumlauf R, Tzahor E, Cranial neural crest cells regulate head muscle patterning and differentiation during vertebrate embryogenesis. Development. 2007 Sep;134(17):3065-75
1*J:117754 Roberts C, Ivins S, Cook AC, Baldini A, Scambler PJ, Cyp26 genes a1, b1 and c1 are down-regulated in Tbx1 null mice and inhibition of Cyp26 enzyme function produces a phenocopy of DiGeorge Syndrome in the chick. Hum Mol Genet. 2006 Dec 1;15(23):3394-410
1J:129204 Robertson EJ, Charatsi I, Joyner CJ, Koonce CH, Morgan M, Islam A, Paterson C, Lejsek E, Arnold SJ, Kallies A, Nutt SL, Bikoff EK, Blimp1 regulates development of the posterior forelimb, caudal pharyngeal arches, heart and sensory vibrissae in mice. Development. 2007 Dec;134(24):4335-45
1*J:226322 Roux M, Laforest B, Capecchi M, Bertrand N, Zaffran S, Hoxb1 regulates proliferation and differentiation of second heart field progenitors in pharyngeal mesoderm and genetically interacts with Hoxa1 during cardiac outflow tract development. Dev Biol. 2015 Oct 15;406(2):247-58
1*J:162660 Stoller JZ, Huang L, Tan CC, Huang F, Zhou DD, Yang J, Gelb BD, Epstein JA, Ash2l interacts with Tbx1 and is required during early embryogenesis. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2010 May;235(5):569-76
1J:320909 Stothard CA, Mazzotta S, Vyas A, Schneider JE, Mohun TJ, Henderson DJ, Phillips HM, Bamforth SD, Pax9 and Gbx2 Interact in the Pharyngeal Endoderm to Control Cardiovascular Development. J Cardiovasc Dev Dis. 2020 May 25;7(2):20
1J:270109 Sugrue KF, Sarkar AA, Leatherbury L, Zohn IE, The ubiquitin ligase HECTD1 promotes retinoic acid signaling required for development of the aortic arch. Dis Model Mech. 2019 Jan 11;12(1):dmm036491
1J:293345 Urness LD, Wang X, Doan H, Shumway N, Noyes CA, Gutierrez-Magana E, Lu R, Mansour SL, Spatial and temporal inhibition of FGFR2b ligands reveals continuous requirements and novel targets in mouse inner ear morphogenesis. Development. 2018 Dec 18;145(24):dev170142
1J:142115 Vazquez-Echeverria C, Dominguez-Frutos E, Charnay P, Schimmang T, Pujades C, Analysis of mouse kreisler mutants reveals new roles of hindbrain-derived signals in the establishment of the otic neurogenic domain. Dev Biol. 2008 Oct 1;322(1):167-78
1J:213584 Vincent SD, Mayeuf-Louchart A, Watanabe Y, Brzezinski JA 4th, Miyagawa-Tomita S, Kelly RG, Buckingham M, Prdm1 functions in the mesoderm of the second heart field, where it interacts genetically with Tbx1, during outflow tract morphogenesis in the mouse embryo. Hum Mol Genet. 2014 Oct 1;23(19):5087-101
1J:188772 Voss AK, Vanyai HK, Collin C, Dixon MP, McLennan TJ, Sheikh BN, Scambler P, Thomas T, MOZ regulates the Tbx1 locus, and Moz mutation partially phenocopies DiGeorge syndrome. Dev Cell. 2012 Sep 11;23(3):652-63
1J:81296 Yamagishi H, Maeda J, Hu T, McAnally J, Conway SJ, Kume T, Meyers EN, Yamagishi C, Srivastava D, Tbx1 is regulated by tissue-specific forkhead proteins through a common Sonic hedgehog-responsive enhancer. Genes Dev. 2003 Jan 15;17(2):269-81
1*J:166754 Zhang Z, Baldini A, Manipulation of endogenous regulatory elements and transgenic analyses of the Tbx1 gene. Mamm Genome. 2010 Dec;21(11-12):556-64

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